Welcome to the CBClab!
Welcome to the Computational Brain Connectivity lab (CBClab) website. The CBClab is part of the department of Cognitive Neuroscience at Maastricht University and is headed by Prof. Alard Roebroeck. The CBClab’s research focusses on understanding the intrincately connected biological circuits in the human brain, and how they support computations that enable human perceptual and cognitive capabilities. The CBClab is embedded in the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience at Maastricht University. The lab is closely involved in the Scannexus ultra-high field human Magnetic Resonance Imaging facility.
Our Research
The CBC lab’s research focusses on the human brain, investigating both its structure (anatomy) and function (activity). In both aspects the emphasis is on the connected networks (circuits) in the brain and the interactions between groups of neurons in these circuits. The human brain consists of about 80 billion neurons, each of them making, on average, 10 to 20 thousand connections to other neurons. No other organ is so densely and intricately connected as the brain. The complex circuits formed by these connections support the communication of activity between neurons and, ultimately, the computations the brain can perform. In the CBC lab we use state-of-the-art 3D imaging methods to measure the connectivity in brain circuits at different spatial scales. We then model the activity and computations these circuits might support and relate these to measurements of human brain activity. We have a strong methods development component and develop hardware and software technology needed to answer basic and applied questions about human brain circuits and computations.
Human macroscale connectome

Cortical layering and connectivity

Interactions of brain regions

White matter microstructure

Jan 2025 – Welcome Luke Edwards!
Luke has joined our lab as Assistant Professor, focused on diffusion MRI methods.
Aug 2024 – Check out a new lecture from our Assistant Prof. Sven Hildebrand! Link
We have a youtube channel!